Brimmer and May School 120 year anniversary wall and poster series

I did the original research, copywriting, art direction, design, and production of an exhibit celebrating the 120-year history of this private school in Chestnut Hill, MA. I created 13 posters, each celebrating a decade of the schools history. Included on the posters were photographs from the schools archives, printed material from classes, class schedules, yearbook items and newspaper clippings.

 I also researched the major events of the decade and included milestone information about the events of the period on a side bar of the poster. Finally I culled information from yearbooks and newsletters from each decade into a brief synopsis of the school during the period. The exhibit also included a fifteen foot long by eight foot tall wall which traced the schools’ history from the 1880’s to the 2000’s. Included in the wall is every name from every graduating class from every year of the schools’ existence. All the headmasters of the school are listed in order of their service as well as most of the current faculty, and memorabilia and photographs from the schools archives.